
Is there a way to strip digits before the decimal place from a float using f-string?

I'm trying to solve the following challenge:

I have a version that works without f-strings as it stands, and I'm wondering if there's a better way of doing it using f-strings instead.

def eitherSide(someFloat, before, after)  :
    bits  = str(someFloat).split('.')
    bit1 = bits[0][:-before]
    bit2 = bits[1][:after]
    num = float(bit1 + '.' + bit2)
    return print(num)



  • I don't think it would make mathematical sense to strip digits from the integer part of a float. but fstring allow you to format the decimal part easily with something like print(f"{value:.3f}")

    if you really want to use fstring you could do :

    def eitherSide(someFloat, before, after)  :
        left, right = str(someFloat).split('.')
        return f"{left[-before:]}.{right[:after]}"