Asked another question yesterday. Unfortunately, the answer did not solve the problem so I thought I narrow the question down and ask again.
I have a Category model which is hierarchial(using django-treebeard). When I run example_category.get_descendants()
the result I get is a MP_NodeQuerySet like the following
<MP_NodeQuerySet [<Category: shoes>, <Category: Sneakers>, <Category: laced_sneakers>]>
Out of this queryset I want to fetch every product related to each category and display in a view(DetailView).
My best bet has been
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
context["products_in_category"] = Category.objects.prefetch_related(
Prefetch("products", queryset=self.object.get_descendants()))
return context
Which results in the error
"Cannot resolve keyword 'category' into field. Choices are: depth, description, id, numchild, path, products, slug, title"
I guess I for some reason get the category back and not its products and I don't really know how to solve it.
Check out the old question for more context or just ask away!
Even if it worked, that query would return a queryset of Category instances.
To get products that have one of the categories from get_descendants
you can do
from django.db.models import Subquery
categories = example_category.get_descendants()
Using Subquery
is not required but it's a nice optimization to save you a db query.
You can read more on it here