
Show only part of Qt Qml Drawer

I want to show only half of a QML Drawer. The idea is to keep some important information in the visible part of the drawer and then let the user show the full drawer with more information.

From the documentation I thought that the

position property should be suitable for this:

Drawer {
  modal: false
  interactive: false
  position: 0.5 // does not work

But setting the position does not have an effect. Is it possible to show only a part of the drawer?


  • As mentioned in my comment, you may want to turn your concept inside out, and have the Drawer inherit its size from its contents, and have the contents change, rather than hardcode its size and manipulate its position.

    Here is a full example that shows the idea. The drawer contains a RowLayout which contains "info" and "extra info" - the extra info's visibility is toggled via interaction, and thus changes the size of the drawer, which always stays at the 100% open position, but changes width automatically.

    drawer example gif

    import QtQuick 2.12
    import QtQml 2.12
    import QtQuick.Window 2.12
    import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
    import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
    Window {
        id: root
        width: 640
        height: 480
        visible: true
        Drawer {
            id: drawer
            height: root.height
            // width automatically derived from RowLayout child's implicitWidth
            onClosed: detailed.visible = false
            RowLayout {
                height: parent.height
                spacing: 0
                Rectangle {
                    id: detailed
                    color: "lightcyan"
                    Layout.fillHeight: true
                    Layout.preferredWidth: 200
                    visible: false // when not visible, this does not add to the RowLayout's implicitWidth
                    Text {
                        anchors {
                            centerIn: parent
                        text: "Extra Info\n Click to close"
                    MouseArea {
                        anchors {
                            fill: parent
                        onClicked:  {
                            detailed.visible = false
                Rectangle {
                    color: "lightpink"
                    Layout.fillHeight: true
                    Layout.preferredWidth: 200
                    Text {
                        anchors {
                            centerIn: parent
                        text: "Regular Info\n Click to open extra info"
                    MouseArea {
                        anchors {
                            fill: parent
                        onClicked:  {
                            detailed.visible = true // toggling visibility automatically makes the Drawer wider
        MouseArea {
            id: mouse
            anchors {
                fill: parent
            onClicked:  {
        Text {
            anchors {
                centerIn: parent
            text: "Click to open drawer"