
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '<>' - Installation error

I am building a desktop app using Python and PySimpleGUI. So far, everything works just fine. Whilst I was working at the project, I realized I need to find a way to get the duration of some mp3 files and to display it in a certain way. I discovered mutagen module that is supposed to help me in this sense, I installed, and here the problem arise:

I have tried the following:

My guess is that I did not configured properly my interpreter, but to be honest, I have no idea what I am doing wrong, because I followed the same steps I've been using for creating a venv with its according interpreter and for other projects, it worked just fine.

Further details:


  • You may be using a different pip that is not the one that affects the Python you are using. Instead of using

    pip install mutagen

    Consider using pip as a module of the Python you are using:

    python -m pip install mutagen

    This way you'll be sure you are working on the same Python.

    If you want to continue using plain pip, try which python and which pip to make sure they are referencing the same environment.