
JS Confirm Message

I am new to JavaScript and I'm currently creating a password generator for a project. I am running into a problem where when the user is prompted with confirm messages to select their ideal password criteria. I want to return an alert message to the window with a loop function if they don't choose at least one option. Here is what I have so far.

// function: when you click on generate button it prompts messages to select password criteria. 
var generateBtnPrompt = function () {
    var confirmNumber = confirm("Click 'OK' to generate numbers in your password");
    var confirmLowerCase = confirm("Click 'OK' to generate lowerCase characters in your password");
    var confirmUpperCase = confirm("Click 'OK' to generate upperCase characters in your password");
    var confirmSymbols = confirm("Click 'OK' to generate symbols characters in your password");
    //parseInt convert a string into an integer
    var charLength = parseInt(prompt("How many characters would you like your password to be? Please choose a number from (8-128)"));


  • You can use the Logical OR operator (||) to check that at least one of the variables are true.

    MDN Web Docs:
    The logical OR (||) operator (logical disjunction) for a set of operands is true if and only if one or more of its operands is true.

    And recursion to re-run the function if none of the variables are true.

    Like this:

    if (!(confirmNumber || confirmLowerCase || confirmUpperCase)) {
      alert("You need to pick at least one!");
      return generateBtnPrompt()

    Full code:

    var generateBtnPrompt = function () {
        var confirmNumber = confirm("Click 'OK' to generate numbers in your password");
        var confirmLowerCase = confirm("Click 'OK' to generate lowerCase characters in your password");
        var confirmUpperCase = confirm("Click 'OK' to generate upperCase characters in your password");
        var confirmSymbols = confirm("Click 'OK' to generate symbols characters in your password");
        if (!(confirmNumber || confirmLowerCase || confirmUpperCase)) {
          alert("You need to pick at least one!");
          return generateBtnPrompt()
        var charLength = parseInt(prompt("How many characters would you like your password to be? Please choose a number from (8-128)"));