
how to change the result of a map by another format React

I would like to explain my problem of the day.

I am currently making a request on postman (which works correctly)

My back

getPackIntegrations: {
   rest: "GET /:id/integrations",
   resource: {
        name: "/packs/${id}",
        scope: "webmessenger-integrations:get",
        cache: false,
        handler: async function (ctx) {
            const res = await ctx.call("packs.get", {
                id: ctx.params.id,
                fields: "integrations",
                query: {
            return res;

postman's response

integrations : [{integration : xxx, entity : aaa}, {integration : yyy, entity : aaa}, 
{integration : zzz, entity : aaa}, {integration : 111, entity : bbb}, {integration : 222, entity : bbb}]

and I would rather receive the following format

[{entity: aaa, integrations : [xxx, yyy, zzz]}, {entity:bbb, integrations: [111,222]}]

How can I fix this issue?

thx for help


  • This code is far from optimal, but should at least do the trick. If someone else wants to improve upon my answer, that would be great.

    let tmp_arr = [];
    let final_arr = [];
        item => {
                tmp_arr[item.entity] = [];
    for(const [k,v] of Object.entries(tmp_arr)){
            {entity: k, integrations: v}
    return final_arr;