
AngularDart CurrentInstruction

I am trying to update angular2 to latest version. Several of the functions are missing

I would like to know what is the alternate for the following function

final RouteParams _params;
String get routeName => _router.currentInstruction.component.routeName;

How to get routeName from new AngularDart


  • Not possible to access current component route anymore.

    I don't know what you want to do exactly and how you define your routeName, but you probably need to use additionalData of RoutePath or RouteDefinition

    class AdditionalRouteData {
      final String routeName;
      const AdditionalRouteData({this.routeName});
    final routePath = RoutePath(
        path: '/',
        additionalData: AdditionalRouteData(routeName: 'Home'),
    // then get it that way
    (router.current.routePath.additionalData as AdditionalRouteData).routeName;

    However, if your routeName is dynamic, you must find a new way to access it (without the router, using a service via dependency injection)