I am trying to clean few Azure container registry images from all repository. For now I am entering repository name one-by-one but this looks vary tedious like this.
PURGE_CMD="acr purge --filter 'aag:.*' --filter 'aap_6.0:.*' --ago 1d --untagged --keep 7"
az acr task create --name PurgeACRImages \
--cmd "$PURGE_CMD" \
--schedule "5 6 * * 1" \
--registry myregistry \
--timeout 18000 \
--context /dev/null
Here I have given name of two repository, now I have 800 repository and it's really hard to type 800 repository in this PURGE_CMD command.
I need a command through which I can select all repo from ACR and store into PURGE_CMD
We can loop on the output of az acr repository list
to concatenate repository name filters to the PURGE_CMD
If you are using a Linux client, run the following from the command line:
PURGE_CMD="acr purge --ago 1d --untagged --keep 7"
for i in $(az acr repository list -n <yourRegistryName> -o tsv);do PURGE_CMD+=" --filter '"$i":.'";done
If you are using Windows Powershell run the following from the command line:
$PURGE_CMD="acr purge --ago 1d --untagged --keep 7"
foreach ($i in $(az acr repository list -n <yourRegistryName> -o tsv)){$PURGE_CMD+=" --filter '"+$i+":.'"}
Note: replace <yourRegistryName>
with the name of your Azure Container Registry.
Finally you can run:
az acr task create --name PurgeACRImages
--cmd "$PURGE_CMD"
--schedule "5 6 * * 1"
--registry myregistry
--timeout 18000
--context /dev/null