
How do we get window.location.hash from a Next.js application?

If we stick window.location.hash in useEffect, it will always erroneously return '0'. Apparently it has to do with SSR.

I need to reliably be able to get the hash portion of the URL for my project. How should I best go about it?


  • Server side code needs to wait until the code is loaded in the browser to use browser APIs.

    Vanilla js server-side compatible

    const [isMounted, setMounted] = useState(false);
    useEffect(() => {
     if (isMounted) {
      console.log('hash', window.location.hash);
     } else {
    }, [isMounted]);
    if(!isMounted) return <>Loading...</>;

    Using next/router

    import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
    const { asPath } = useRouter();
     const hash = asPath.split('#')[1];
    }, [ asPath ]);

    FYI you're code shouldn't return a zero. The first culprit that comes to mind is when a shorthand condition is used without an else.

    window && window.location.hash

    this should have an else

    (window && window.location.hash) || null


    window && window.location.hash ? window.location.hash : null