I wanted to use priors on hyper-parameters as in (https://gpflow.readthedocs.io/en/develop/notebooks/advanced/mcmc.html) but with an SVGP model.
Following the steps of example 1, I got an error when I run de run_chain_fn :
TypeError: maximum_log_likelihood_objective() missing 1 required positional argument: 'data'
Contrary to GPR or SGPMC, the data are not an attribut of the model, they are included as external parameter.
To avoid that problem I modified slightly SVGP class to include data as parameter (I don't care with mini-batching for now)
class SVGP_with_data(gpflow.models.SVGP):
"""This model is a tiny variation of classical SVGP. It just includes the data as an optionnal
parameter of the model, since they are necessary of MCMC sampling"""
def __init__(self,data,**kwargs):
self.data = data
def maximum_log_likelihood_objective(self,_=None):
return self.elbo(self.data) #here we don't care about mini-batching
It seems to work well.
I couldn't find code example of SVGP with priors on hyper-parameters. Is their a more standard way to deel with this ?
Thanks !
is a GPflow model for a variational approximation. Using MCMC on the q(u) distribution parameterised by q_mu
and q_sqrt
doesn't make sense (if you want to do MCMC on q(u) in a sparse approximation, use SGPMC
You can still put (hyper)priors on the hyperparameters in the SVGP
model; gradient-based optimisation will then lead to the maximum a-posteriori (MAP) point estimate (as opposed to pure maximum likelihood).