
Pygame low frame rate but waiting on input instantly

I want to create simple game in python with pygame. There are some buttons, but it doesnt respond sometimes. I want to have low frame rate because its simple game but also i want to have buttons waiting on click like always. is it posible?

Its like if i dont click in that 60/1000 miliseconds its not working, am I right? If I am then is there other posibility to run game at 60 fps and waiting for input like always?

using this to catch click:

    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
            if pos[0] > 500 and pos[0] < 600 and pos[1] > 620 and pos[1] < 680:
                button_hod_clicked = True

using this in main loop:



def check_buttons(pos):

    button_hod_clicked = False
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
            if pos[0] > 500 and pos[0] < 600 and pos[1] > 620 and pos[1] < 680:
                button_hod_clicked = True

    return button_hod_clicked

def main():
   run = True
   striedanie = True
   while run:
      pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
      button_hod_clicked = check_buttons(pos)
      if button_hod_clicked:
          if striedanie == True:
              player1_position, kolko_hodil = player_movement(player1_position)
              striedanie = False
              player2_position, kolko_hodil = player_movement(player2_position)
              striedanie = True


  • Instead of getting the mouse position every frame, just get the mouse position if the event handler detects MOUSEBUTTONUP and call the check_buttons function.

    def check_buttons(pos):
        return pos[0] > 500 and pos[0] < 600 and pos[1] > 620 and pos[1] < 680
    button_hod_clicked = False
    def main():
        global button_hod_clicked
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
                pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                button_hod_clicked = check_buttons(pos)
        if button_hod_clicked:

    Let me know if this works.

    Note: time.sleep pauses the whole program, so it freezes the window.