I want to change the text button SAVE in the top right.
I've used this library
val dateRangePicker = MaterialDatePicker.Builder.dateRangePicker()
.setTitleText("Select Date")
dateRangePicker.show(childFragmentManager, "date_range_picker")
dateRangePicker.addOnPositiveButtonClickListener {
val start = it.first
val last = it.second
if (start != null && last != null){
val dateRange = "${globalHelper?.convertLongToString(start)} - ${globalHelper?.convertLongToString(last)}"
binding.tvDateRange.text = dateRange
Try adding following lines with you own text in strings.xml
<string name="mtrl_picker_save" description="Button text to indicate that the widget will save the user's selection [CHAR_LIMIT=16]">.....</string>
<string name="mtrl_picker_cancel" description="Button text to indicate that the widget will ignore the user's selection [CHAR_LIMIT=16]" translatable="false">...</string>