
Resource IDs in arb files must Start with capital ?(flutter localization: i18n and l10n support)

I have a flutter project, and updated it to nullsafety just now. And I found that intl_translation plugin are not support for nullsafety. So I remove it and want to use the intl comes with the framwork of flutter.

According to the official documents, I add 2 lines: intl: ^0.17.0 # , generate: true and new a file named l10n.yaml .

l10n.yaml 's content as follow:

arb-dir: lib/l10n
template-arb-file: intl_en.arb
output-localization-file: lib/generated/intl/l10n.dart

Then my file tree as follow:

├── data
│   ├── ......
├── generated
│   ├── intl
│   │   ├── messages_all.dart
│   │   ├── messages_en.dart
│   │   └── messages_zh.dart
│   └── l10n.dart
├── l10n
│   ├── intl_en.arb
│   └── intl_zh.arb
├── ......
├── ......
├── ui
│   ├── ......
└── utilities.dart

Then I flutter run my project. The ERRORS show that

Invalid ARB resource name "UPCredit" in LocalFile: '.../lib/l10n/intl_en.arb'.
Resources names must be valid Dart method names: they have to be camel case, cannot start with a number or underscore, and cannot contain non-alphanumeric characters.
Generating synthetic localizations package has failed.

The error position is in my intl_en.arb as follows:

"UPxxt": "Uxxx Cxxxit",
"UPxit": "Unxxx Dxxxt",
"UPSxit": "Uxxx Sxxxed xxxit",

MY PROBLEM: NoBody talk me not to do like this(Maybe I can not find something about it). Can anybody help me about how to solve it? Something about document(how to find this?).


  • Basically, the means exactly camelCase this kind of naming convention to be used hence you'll need to stick with upCredit instead of UpCredit.