
How can I react to events from a master statechart in Yakindu?

I have a statechart that does stuff depending on another statechart. Let's call them Master and Slave.

In the Slave statechart I import the Master and assign it to a variable.

import: "Master.ysc"
var master: Master

Let's say the Slave statechart is in StateA and wants to go to StateB when Master triggers an event B. Then as a transition trigger I use master.B

My problem is that the Slave statechart doesn't see the Master events. In the generated (Python) code self.master = None in the init method of the Slave, and it always stays None. Is there a way to do this properly?

I also tried to raise an event in the Slave directly from Master, as in this question:

import: "Slave.ysc"
var slave: Slave

raise slave.goto_b

But here I also have a problem with the reference being None.

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'raise_goto_b'

Am I missing something simple (an assignment to the master/slave variable or something), or is it a problem with the Python bindings?


  • I was indeed missing an assignment. I should just have tried harder with the answer in this question.

    So I sent a reference of the Master statemachine to the Slave. In Main:

    master_fsm = MasterFsm()
    slave_fsm = SlaveFsm(master_fsm)

    The 'Fsms' have an sm attribute with the generated class. So in the SlaveFsm's init method I did:

    def __init__(self, master_fsm): = Slave() =

    And then it works!