I need to convert a CSV file to a Map<String, String> and I'm using this package for the task. The problem is that the output of the map is returning a space before every key, as you can see:
{ 001: Visto de Trabalho, 002: Carta de Pesados, 003: Medicina do Trabalho, 004: Título de Residente]}
This is my code:
HashMap _refHashMap;
Future<HashMap> convertCSV() async {
_refHashMap = await CSV_HashMap().hashMapConvertor(
refList: ["id", "name"], csvPath: 'assets/document_types.csv');
return _refHashMap;
Map<String, String> loadDocTypes() {
var ids = _refHashMap["id"];
var names = _refHashMap["name"];
var map = Map.fromIterables(ids, names);
var convertedMap = Map<String, String>.from(map);
return convertedMap;
Can you help me? Thank you in advance
Give this a try, it trims the keys to remove the whitespace at the end.
Map<String, String> loadDocTypes() {
var ids = _refHashMap["id"];
var names = _refHashMap["name"];
var map = Map.fromIterables(ids, names);
var convertedMap = Map<String, String>.from(map);
return convertedMap.map((key, value) => MapEntry(key.trim(), value)); // Add this line