
Update confirmation email migration

I'm trying to change the content of email template 'customer_user_confirmation_email'. So i created a AbstractHashEmailMigration like mentionned in https://doc.oroinc.com/bundles/platform/EmailBundle/email-templates-migrations/ But it wont update the changes

class GdmEmailTemplate extends AbstractHashEmailMigration
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function getEmailHashesToUpdate(): array
        return [
            'customer_user_confirmation_email_gdm' => ['c9a6191f197cb5d3c7bf166c6a246e42']

     * Return path to email templates
     * @return string
    public function getEmailsDir()
        return $this->container

I dont know what to add in Migrations>Data>ORM>Schema>vx_y to load the changes, i run oro:migration:load and clear cach but nothing happens


  • Email templates changes are not related to schema migrations. So there is nothing to do with the Schema>vx_y folder.

    See the documentation on working with the data fixture (or data migration) instead.

    To summarize, your Data Migration must be placed to Migrations/Data/ORM/ folder in a bundle and then executed with the oro:migration:data:load command as mentioned in the above documentation.

    P.S. Probably, the name of the abstract class must be changed to AbstractHashEmailDataFixture or something else less confusing.