
How can I implement Paging library 2 Boundary Callback using Coroutines?

I want to implement my custom PagedList.BoundaryCallback with coroutines, liveData and repository pattern using Paging Library 2, but I couldn't find a good example of integration of these libraries.

Even in Android official samples, they use enqueue and callbacks to perform the API request with paging 2...

I read this Medium post also but it use a coroutines scope inside the boundary callback and I think that is not a good practice.

Is there any way to achieve it? Or should I migrate to Paging 3?


  • This solution works for me:

    1. I injected a CoroutinesDispatcherProvider in my Repository:

      class MyRepository @Inject constructor(
          private val remoteDataSource: MyRemoteDataSource,
          private val localDataSource: MyDao,
          private val coroutinesDispatcherProvider: CoroutinesDispatcherProvider
       ) {...}
    2. Then inside my repository, I passed this provider to my boundary callback:

      private val boundaryCallback =
          MyBoundaryCallback(remoteDataSource, localDataSource, coroutinesDispatcherProvider)
      fun getList(): LiveData<PagedList<MyModel>> = LivePagedListBuilder(
    3. And finally, I use this dispatcher in my boundary implementation to launch my request from repository:

      private val ioCoroutineScope by lazy {
      override fun onZeroItemsLoaded() {
          ioCoroutineScope.launch {