I have the following script
get-eventlog -LogName Security -InstanceId 4663 -after (Get-Date).AddMonths(-1) -before (Get-Date) |
Select TimeWritten, @{Name="Account Name";Expression={ $_.ReplacementStrings[1]}}, @{Name="Object Name";e= {$_.ReplacementStrings[6]}} |
Export-Csv "archive $(Get-Date -UFormat "%m.%d.%Y").csv" -NoType
I have tried adding a Where statement
@{Name="Account Name";Expression={ $_.ReplacementStrings[1]} -notlike "user"}
$_.username -notlike "user"
however neither seems to affect the outcome of the log.
What am I doing wrong?
My solution wound up using -NotMatch instead of -notlike
get-eventlog -LogName Security -InstanceId 4663 -after (Get-Date).AddMonths(-1) -before (Get-Date) |
Where {$_.message -notmatch "Account Name:\s*user*"} |
Select TimeWritten, @{Name="Account Name";Expression={ $_.ReplacementStrings[1] }}, @{Name="Object Name";e= {$_.ReplacementStrings[6]}} |
Export-Csv "archive $(Get-Date -UFormat "%m.%d.%Y").csv" -NoType