In long passages using bookdown
, I have inserted numerous images. Having combined the passages into a single character string (in a data frame) I want to remove the markdown text associated with inserting images, but not any text in between those inserted images. Here is a toy example.
text.string <- "writing  writing to keep  more writing"
str_remove_all(string = text.string, pattern = "!\\[.+\\)")
[1] "writing more writing"
The regex expression doesn't stop at the first closed parenthesis, it continues until the last one and deletes the "writing to keep" in between.
I tried to apply String manipulation in R: remove specific pattern in multiple places without removing text in between instances of the pattern, which uses gsubfn
and gsub
but was unable to get the solutions to work.
Please point me in the right direction to solve this problem of a regex removal of designated strings, but not the characters in between the strings. I would prefer a stringr
solution, but whatever works. Thank you
You have to use the following regex
alternatively you can also use this:
both solution offer a lazy match rather than a greedy one, which is the key to your question