
What the point of spread operaror in JavaScript especially on this example?

I am studying now at FreeCodeCamp, and here is a challenge:

"We have defined a function, copyMachine which takes arr (an array) and num (a number) as arguments. The function is supposed to return a new array made up of num copies of arr. We have done most of the work for you, but it doesn't work quite right yet. Modify the function using spread syntax so that it works correctly (hint: another method we have already covered might come in handy here!)."

And here is a solution:

function copyMachine(arr, num) {
  let newArr = [];
  while (num >= 1) {
    // Only change code below this line
    // Only change code above this line
  return newArr;

console.log(copyMachine([true, false, true], 2));

What the point to add extra brackets and dots (...) if i could just add newArr.push(arr) instead and get the same result? The result is: [ [ true, false, true ], [ true, false, true ] ]


  • It's the matter of reference.

    When using this syntax newArr.push(arr), you're pushing the original array from the argument, so whenever the arr changes its content, arrays inside newArr will also update since it is always the same one array.

    When using spread syntax, you're actually pushing a copy of that arr. This mean it's a new array that is not tied to the array you pass to a function

    Consider this

    function copyMachine(arr, num) {
      let newArr = [];
      while (num >= 1) {
        // Only change code below this line
        // Only change code above this line
      return newArr;
    const oldArr = [true, false, true];
    const newArr = copyMachine(oldArr, 2);
    console.log(newArr); // contains an element added to the old array