
Clojure Pedestal Windows WSL2 browsers not rendering

I finished a pedestal clojure app and used the repl to start the server which it starts. I can only curl and can't access the project on any browser with localhost:8080. I did the frontend with Clojurescript/Shadowcljs which works fine in the browser, so it can't be an overall issue via localhost (a host issue).

To further check issues I followed step by step this tutorial app (just to be 100% sure), and it too only loads via curl and not in the browser as the tutorial states it should be able to load in the browser (not changing any code).

I am using Windows wsl2 with all my apps of varies languages but this one with clojure and pedestal won't load in the browser no matter if I even try the dockerfile included.

Thank You for any help you can give me on this situation because I am lost.


  • So I was curios the way I got it to work was by adding> Thats using a browser on windows side to wsl linux using http://localhost:8080/

    ::http/host ""


        (def service {:env                 :prod
        ::http/host ""
        ::http/routes        routes
        ::http/resource-path "/public"
        ::http/type          :jetty
        ::http/port          8080})

    I found the info at