This is some example data. Below is a quote from the paper (Wreede et al 2010) regarding the "status" variable:
"We need one line for each individual for each transition for which he/she is at risk, containing data about her/his identity (id), the current transition (from, to, trans), the time of entry in the current state (Tstart), the time when he/she stops being at risk for the transition (Tstop), either due to an event or to censoring, as indicated by status."
In general:
In the setting of time-to-event analysis which a Kaplan-Meier survival analysis in essence is you need core variables. One of this needed variables is an event variable. In your example depicted with status
status == 0
means no event occured.
status == 1
means event occured.
event in this setting can be everything like: death, accident, success, .... -> then status 0 says no death and status 1 says death.
In the original documentation:
status is either: