The latest Chrome browser now shows a puzzle icon and doesn't automatically pin your Chrome Extension. Is there an API to detect if a Chrome Extension has been pinned? Can we detect from Javascript from a web page, or do we have to do the API through the extension itself? (I'm already assuming the extension itself.)
Here's some code you can use to check if your extension is pinned, and if not, send the user to a particular URL.
You can put this in your Background.js:
async function checkIsPinned(){
let userSettings = await chrome.action.getUserSettings();
if(userSettings.isOnToolbar == false){
chrome.tabs.create({ url: ''});
//Check if extension is pinned
This code is adapted from
{ isOnToolbar: false }
regardless of whether your extension's icon is pinned or not. You need to send a request to your service worker, run the code there, and then send the response back to content script. You can do that via chrome.runtime.sendMessage
or similar chrome.runtime.*