Added a gpg key to sign commits.
After all the configuration is done, I am able to sign via git cli.
But when I commit using vscode it opens a terminal window so I can enter my key password. The window appears a little buggy and does not accept the password and returns the error in vscode:
error: gpg failed to sign the data
When I restart gpg-agent and manage to commit via cli.
When I type the password through the cli, it is stored in that section of the terminal and I manage to commit through vscode. When you close the section, the error returns.
I'm using wsl2 with linux Ubuntu 20
I found a solution...
Steps required:
Install GPG4Win from Nothing other than the default gnupg is required, but I installed Kleopatra too in case it came in handy elsewhere.
Edit ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf and change the pinentry
pinentry-program "/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/GnuPG/bin/pinentry-basic.exe"