I'm working in an application HMVC CodeIgniter 4.1, all the routes work fine in navigator:
Navigator adress: http://localhost/myapp/public/index.php/installation/shop-data
My module Routes file contains:
$routes->group("installation", ["namespace" => "\Modules\Installation\Controllers"], function ($routes) {
//Example URL: /installation/shop-data
$routes->get("shop-data", "InstallationController::shop_data");
$routes->get("shop-data-post", "InstallationController::shop_data_post");
shop_data_post is the function in which I insert the data to the database from the page Form using this:
echo form_open("installation/shop-data-post");
But I obtain this 404 error:
Controller or its method is not found: \App\Controllers\Installation::shop-data-post
How can I get my function correctly from my page formulary?
Ok finally I have solved this..
All that I must did was change my module Installation Routes file so:
This line:
$routes->get("shop-data-post", "InstallationController::shop_data_post");
For this:
$routes->match(["get", "post"], "shop-data-post", "InstallationController::shop_data_post");
The error was on the route request method. It must be POST for process the Form data