
Getting sense stems for nltk semcor corpus words

I was trying semcor corpus in nltk.

I found this code here:

>>> list(map(str, semcor.tagged_chunks(tag='both')[:3])) 
['(DT The)', "(Lemma('') (NE (NNP Fulton County Grand Jury)))", "(Lemma('state.v.01.say') (VB said))"]

I tried the same on colab (check last cell in this notebook):

>>> list(map(str, semcor.tagged_chunks(tag='both')[:3]))
['(DT The)',
 '(group.n.01 (NE (NNP Fulton County Grand Jury)))',
 '(say.v.01 (VB said))']

Here is the screenshot from colab:

enter image description here

The problem

Note that on nltk page, for Fulton County Grand Jury output is given as Lemma(''), but on colab, I am getting group.n.01. So I am not getting sense / synset lemma.

Weird thing is that it was giving me correct output yesterday. This notebook will clear the doubt as it has same two lines executed today and yesterday. Yesterday (2/9/2021), I was getting tags in format, but today I am getting tags in group.n.01 format (NOTICE RED AND BLUE COMMENTS):

enter image description here

What I am missing here?


  • I knew that semcor uses wordnet senses to tag to subset of brown corpus. But I was not aware that semcor APIs can work with or without wordnet predownloaded and it will give tags in different format in these different scenarios. I honestly feel, at least semcor API documentation should have some mention of this.

    So, without wordnet predownloaded, it does not return sense stems:

    enter image description here

    With wordnet pre-downloaded, it does return sense stems:

    enter image description here