
Getting ImageData/HTMLImageElement/HTMLCanvasElement object from image url

I'm trying to develop a program that classifies images using tensorflow and knn-classifier. However, in order to train the program, I need to get images as either ImageData, HTMLImageElement or HTMLCanvasElement.

Hence, I'm looking for a way to get one of these objects simply from the image url (e.g. "")

It may be worth mentioning that I'm using nodejs for development. I've attached some code below to help explain what I'm trying to achieve.

const tf = require("@tensorflow/tfjs");
const mobilenetModule = require("@tensorflow-models/mobilenet");
const knnClassifier = require("@tensorflow-models/knn-classifier");

const classifer = knnClassifier.create();

async function start() {
  const mobilenet = await mobilenetModule.load();

  const pic0 = // Get image from "";
  const img0 = tf.browser.fromPixels(pic0);
  const logits0 = mobilenet.infer(img0, true);
  classifier.addExample(logits0, 0);

  const pic1 = // Get image from "";
  const img1 = tf.browser.fromPixels(pic1);
  const logits1 = mobilenet.infer(img1, true);
  classifier.addExample(logits1, 0);

  const check = await axios.get(
    { responseType: "arrayBuffer", }
  const x = tf.browser.fromPixels(check);
  const xlogits = mobilenet.infer(x, true);
  const p = classifier.predictClass(xlogits);


I apologize in advance if this is a stupid or duplicate question however I haven't been able to find on this during my time searching.


  • The tensor has to be created once the image is loaded.

    async function getImage() {
      var pic0 = new Image();
      pic0.src = '';
      pic0.onload = () => {
        var img0 = tf.browser.fromPixels(pic0);
        return img0;