I have a redirect in Apache config like
Redirect temp /foo.xml http://www.baz.com/foo.xml
I am trying to add an Expire and m-cache headers for a CDN to this 302. This would be trivial in php, but I need to do this in Apache config files.
Normally this is done like this:
ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault "access plus 10 minutes"
but this only seems to not work for 302 redirects. Any suggestions?
Check out the mod_headers module for Apache.
Perhaps something like:
<Location /foo.xml>
Redirect temp /foo.xml http://www.baz.com/foo.xml
Header always set ExpiresActive On
Header always set ExpiresDefault "access plus 10 minutes"
I have edited this answer (since it was accepted), adding the always keyword, to reflect what Fix correctly pointed out below.