
msvc and fold expression

I'm having trouble compiling this code on Windows.

This code compile correctly on Linux, both with clang and gcc. I'm using msvc 19.29.

Msvc exit with the not so helpful error C1001.

struct Object{};

class Storage {
    Object &createObject() {
        return qStorrage.back();

    template <class... Objs>
    void deleteObject(const Objs&...obj)
        const auto e = std::remove_if(qStorrage.begin(), qStorrage.end(), [&](const auto &i) { return ((i == obj) || ...); });
        qStorrage.erase(e, qStorrage.end());

The goal is to be able to pass multiple reference of Object to be deleted, to avoid calling multiple time the same function.

Storage stor;

auto a = stor.create();
auto b = stor.create();

stor.delete(a, b);

Do you know why MSVC fail to compile this ?


Here is the actual files:



build with cmake with parameter BUILD_EXAMPLE turned ON

EDIT2: Here is msvc error message, sorry I forgot about it

message : This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'bool ProgressBar::operator ==(const ProgressBar &) const' [C:\Users\Zacharie Corniere\Documents\GitHub\logger-cpp\build\example\example.vcxproj]
[build] C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\include\xmemory(1967): message : see reference to function template instantiation 'bool Logger::deleteProgressBar::<lambda_1>::operator ()<ProgressBar>(const _T1 &) const' being compiled [logger-cpp\build\example\example.vcxproj]
[build]           with
[build]           [
[build]               _T1=ProgressBar
[build]           ]
[build] logger-cpp\include\Logger.hpp(51): message : see reference to function template instantiation '_FwdIt std::remove_if<std::_Deque_iterator<std::_Deque_val<std::_Deque_simple_types<_Ty>>>,Logger::deleteProgressBar::<lambda_1>>(_FwdIt,const _FwdIt,_Pr)' being compiled [logger-cpp\build\example\example.vcxproj]
[build]           with
[build]           [
[build]               _FwdIt=std::_Deque_iterator<std::_Deque_val<std::_Deque_simple_types<ProgressBar>>>,
[build]               _Ty=ProgressBar,
[build]               _Pr=Logger::deleteProgressBar::<lambda_1>
[build]           ]


  • C1001 is Internal Compiler Error.

    It is used to indicate bugs in the compiler itself, the code being compiled is not necessarily wrong.

    Report ICE to https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/ or via Help > Send Feedback > Report a problem... from Visual Studio

    Try to reduce what exactly produces ICE. This will help both making a good error report and avoiding ICE in your code, as a fix may not be available soon.

    I've reduced your example:

    #include <vector>
    class ProgressBar
        std::strong_ordering operator<=>(const ProgressBar &) const = default;
    std::vector<ProgressBar> v;
        template <class... Objs>
        void deleteObject(const Objs&...obj)
            std::remove_if(v.begin(), v.end(), [&](const auto &i) { return ((i == obj) || ...); });
    int main()
        ProgressBar p;

    See recreated error message: https://godbolt.org/z/dbz34PcTf

    I've reported it.


    According to developer community feedback item, this is internally fixed, so will be available in a preview version in some time.

    However, I think it will be in Visual Studio 2022, and it will not be back-ported to Visual Studio 2019.


    In addition to <=> operator add == operator to ProgressBar:

        std::strong_ordering operator<=>(const ProgressBar &) const = default;
        bool operator==(const ProgressBar &) const = default;