
Flurry Analytics not showing any Analytics

I setup everything like it said to on there website, but nothing happens. I am getting no logs from Flurry even though I set .withLogEnabled(true).withLogLevel(Log.VERBOSE) and nothing is showing up in the admin. I know it can take some time, but I have waited for four days now.

public class MyApp extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {

        new FlurryAgent.Builder()
                .build(this, MY_KEY_HERE);

        FlurryConfig flurryConfig = FlurryConfig.getInstance();



What am I doing wrong?


  • I found out the problem was where I was calling the FlurryAgent.Builder(). On the website it looked like you called it in a class that extends the Application class. Actually you are supposed to call it in your main activity class. How could I get that mixed up?