
Receiving and Displaying data of referenced record in Extbase/Fluid


I have an (Extbase/Fluid) extension which stores a single DB reference from a specific database table (tt_address).


Intention: I want to display data (some db fields) from this reference (only) in the frontend.

Problem: How do I get the stored reference in Extbase/Fluid and how do I get access to the data fields? in the frontend?


    tt_content {
      addresscontainer = FLUIDTEMPLATE
      addresscontainer {
        templateName = AddressContainer
        templateRootPaths {
          10 = EXT:xyz/Resources/Private/Partials/ContentElements/
        partialRootPaths {
          10 = EXT:xyz/Resources/Private/Partials
        dataProcessing {
          1 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor
          1 {
              options {
                    if.isTrue.field = records
                table = tt_address
                #where = uid = 5
                pidInList = 20
                as = address_record

Flexform / XML:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
                        <sheetTitle>TT-Address - Single Address</sheetTitle>
                                <label>Single Address</label>



The code is basically working. However, it fetches all records which are stored in the tt_address table. I want the one which was assigend in the backend only.

I hope my intention is clear.

Thank you in advance!


  • If you want to access the FlexForm value from your plugin or content element you can do that with the data type flexform:

    dataProcessing {
      10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor
      10 {
        table = tt_address
        pidInList = 20
        uidInList.data = flexform:pi_flexform:faddress

    See the TypoScript Reference for details on the data type flexform.

    If you're using TYPO3 v11, you can also use the brand new FlexForm Data Processor.