
NestJS - Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client

In my NestJs project, I am using decorator @Res() res and using the response object to set custom response header status by multiple cases. When calling, sometimes it logs: Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot remove headers after they are sent to the client

After I viewed the issues list in Github and searching on the internet, I know this is relating to Express middleware and the built-in filter of NestJs.

So, I remove .send() and add return; at the end of the Controller method, the log will disappear.

My first code:

get(@Req() req, @Res() res) {
  const result = this.service.getData(req);
  res.status(result.statusCode).json(; // when using .send(), it will cause error

Code after I fixed look like this:

get(@Req() req, @Res() res) {
  const result = this.service.getData(req);
  res.status(result.statusCode).json(; // when remove .send(), it will succeed

My question: Do I have to add return; at the end of the method? Why using .send() sometimes cause error but not always?


  • because requet.json({...}) already send response to "client". So .send() after requet.json({...}) will try to send another response.

    the good way to do is to return response like this:

    return res.status(result.statusCode).json(;

    because if you miss return your code may cause unexpected result.


    res.status(result.statusCode).json(; //response is sent
    let a = "Something good"; // Code will be executed
    console.log(a); // Code will be executed