
Angular Material Nested Select from service

I´m working on a nested select in angular material, the data of this two selects is in a json file:

        "id": 1,
        "name": "Arquitectura",
        "depcen": [
                "name": "Diseño"
                "name": "Informatización"
                "name": "Tecnología"
                "name": "CEU"
                "name": "Idiomas"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Automática y Biomédica",
        "depcen": [
                "name": "Automática"
                "name": "Física"
                "name": "CEBIO"

I'm using an event to keep the value of the faculty or area, and next I have the other select that shows the department or center of the faculty or area selected before, well it should but I can get it done, this is what I did:

<mat-form-field class="select" appearance="fill">
  <mat-label>Facultad o Área</mat-label>
    <mat-select (selectionChange)="select($event.value)">
       <mat-option>-Sin especificar-</mat-option>
       <mat-option *ngFor="let facultadarea of facultadareas" 
<mat-form-field class="select" appearance="fill">
    <mat-label>Departamento o Centro</mat-label>
    <mat-select (selectionChange)="select($event.value)">
       <mat-option>-Sin especificar-</mat-option>
       <mat-option *ngFor="let depcen of depcentros" 

And here is my function in typescript:

facultadareas: IFacultadArea[] = []
depcentros: Idepcen[] = []

constructor(private facAreaService: FacultadAreaService) {}

ngOnInit() {
    this.facAreaService.getFacultadArea().subscribe(data=>this.facultadareas = data)
    this.facAreaService.getDepartamentoCentro().subscribe(data=>this.depcentros = data)

    this.depcentros = value.depcentros


  • To get it done I fix some stuff in the typescript file. I realice that only needed the faculty service and pointing to the faculty I could get the array of departments.

    facultadareas: IFacultadArea[] = []
    depcentros: Idepcen[] = []
    constructor(private facAreaService: FacultadAreaService) {}
    ngOnInit() {
        this.facAreaService.getFacultadArea().subscribe(data=>this.facultadareas = data) //I only needed this service
        this.depcentros = value.depcen //depcen is the faculty field in the json that have its departments

    In the HTML I did what my friend Den suggested to me, I set [value]="facultadarea" and remove second (selection change) for departments

    <mat-form-field class="select" appearance="fill">
       <mat-label>Facultad o Área</mat-label>
       <mat-select (selectionChange)="select($event.value)">
         <mat-option>-Sin especificar-</mat-option>
         <mat-option *ngFor="let facultadarea of facultadareas" [value]="facultadarea">
    <mat-form-field class="select" appearance="fill">
       <mat-label>Departamento o Centro</mat-label>
         <mat-option>-Sin especificar-</mat-option>
         <mat-option *ngFor="let depcen of depcentros" [value]="depcen.name">