I am trying to collect the actual issue start date and actual completion date from my company Redmine using Python-Redmine. But I CAN NOT find out the attribute of actual completion date.
I tried some common phrases like actual_completion_date/actual_due_date.. and also checked on https://python-redmine.com/resources/issue.html for the right attribute name. However, still stuck here.
This is my code:
from redminelib import Redmine
import urllib3
redmine = Redmine('https://abc.xyz.com', key=keyRedmine,requests={'verify': False})
issue = redmine.issue.get(326264)
print('start date: ', issue.start_date)
print('actual start date: ', issue.actual_start_date)
print('due date: ', issue.due_date)
print ('actual end date: N/A') # I want to find this value
And here is my output:
start date: 2021-03-03
actual start date: 2021-07-03
due date: 2021-08-25
actual end date: N/A
When I try with my guessed phrase:
print ('actual end date: ',issue.actual_due_date)
The output is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "d:/test.py", line 22, in <module>
print ('actual end date: ',issue.actual_due_date)
File "C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\redminelib\resources\standard.py", line 152, in __getattr__
return super(Issue, self).__getattr__(attr)
File "C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\redminelib\resources\base.py", line 197, in __getattr__
raise exceptions.ResourceAttrError
redminelib.exceptions.ResourceAttrError: Resource doesn't have the requested attribute
Could you help me with how to get the actual end date for this case?
I find out the way for this attribute name. It is actual_due_date
I got it from:
Then find your attributes here. In my case like