This is my code, it works only for the tab I am on. I receive a response and everything seems to be working fine, I still do not understand the operation of the technology in its entirety, that is why I go to you.
It ends in the "responseHanlder"
connect() {
// backend ws endpoint
const wsURL = "ws://localhost:6565/rsocket";
// rsocket client
const client = new RSocketClient({
serializers: {
data: JsonSerializer,
metadata: IdentitySerializer,
setup: {
keepAlive: 60000,
lifetime: 180000,
dataMimeType: "application/json",
metadataMimeType: "message/x.rsocket.routing.v0",
transport: new RSocketWebSocketClient({
url: wsURL,
.then((sock) => {
.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
}, errorHanlder);
/*Aquí comienza el código del primer socket para insertar un producto
antes de enviar la notificación primero realiza una acción*/
const numberRequester = (socket) => {
data: {
id: null,
titulo: "Se insertó un nuevo producto",
"Aquí se agrega una descripcion breve de lo que se acaba de hacer (opcional)",
fecha_inicio: today,
fecha_final: final,
leido: false,
String.fromCharCode("insert.notification".length) +
onComplete: responseHanlder,
onError: errorHanlder,
onNext: responseHanlder,
onSubscribe: (subscription) => {
//subscription.request(100); // set it to some max value
// error handler
const errorHanlder = (e) => console.log(e);
// response handler
const responseHanlder = (payload) => {
After sending the data, my rsocket receives the information and in turn, I receive a response with the data I need. For now, it works only in the tab that runs it, but I need that information reflected in the other tabs because it is a prototype of notifications.
That means, that every time your RSocket client connects to the server, it opens a connection and communicates with your server over it.
In the case of the client is a Browser, your connection will not be accessible to other browser sessions for security reasons.
Actually, in the case of browser, you can use 2 options:
You can always connect to a single mediator server which will ensure your messages are broadcast to all the destinations.
You may find such an example of application at Spring Tutorials
We have a couple of experiments on bringing WebRTC (along with normal WebSocket) transport to the browser communication.
Please find those experiments here. Please try it and share your feedback/vote on for this transport support at our issue tracker if you see the need for the one.