When I right click a function, there's no 'Show Call Hierarchy' or 'Peek Call Hierarchy' option whatsoever. My popup menu looks like this
Then I tried Typing 'Show All Hierarchy' in command palette. This command does exist, but only gives a 'No Result' window after hitting enter.
So I went to Keyboard Shortcuts page, and it looks like this
My questions are,
Addtional info: VSCode version 1.60, having C/C++ and Emacs Keymap extensions installed. Tried VSCode on both MacOS and Ubuntu, issue remains the same. The code base I'm currently viewing is configured with CMake.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
When a feature like that is added to VSCode release notes or any other documentation, you should assume that it is initially only available for JavaScript/TypeScript,
Visual Studio Code show call hierarchy
That's very commmon because VSCode is just an editor providing the infrastructure (context menus and other visual elements), but the actual language feature is provided by the individual language extensions and their language servers.
In your case, the C++ extension and its language server might fall far behind to support such features.