
The SignalR's messageId value

I use SignalR for my ASP.Net Application with longPolling protocol. I see that the client send the \signalr\pool request to server with the messageId form data: d-B1017AFE-SC,B8|bW,0|bs,1|bx,2.

I'm looking for the documents which describe the d-B1017AFE-SC,B8|bW,0|bs,1|bx,2 format but not yet. Please help me to understand it. Below image was captured from Chrome Dev Toll which explains what I said.

enter image description here

My customer uses Azure WAF to protect the site. The Azure WAF report show that above request belong to the Command Injection risk because the messageId contain |bw,|bs, |bx that match the |ps rule in Azure WAF. So I need to understand the messageId content to explain for my customer and ask them customize the rule to ignore the request.

Below is the WAF description in the report:

[{'riskGroup':'','match':'Vector Score: 5, Group Threshold: 4, Triggered Rules: 950006, Mitigated Rules: , Last Matched Message: System Command Injection','threshold':'4','type':'riskscore','version':'1','score':0,'atomics':[{'score':5,'riskGroup':'CMD-INJECTION-ANOMALY','match':'|ps','ruleName':'System Command Injection','selector':'ARGS:messageId','ruleId':'950006','version':'7'}],'actionId':'alert','ruleName':'CMD-INJECTION-ANOMALY','action':'Alert','selector':'','ruleId':'CMD-INJECTION-ANOMALY','category':'Command Injection'}]


  • This looks right. The messageId tells the server what was the last message the client received. It looks something like this d-3104A0A8-H,0%7CL,0%7CM,2%7CK,0 and Chrome is translating %7C to |.

    This document explains the SignalR protocol very well.

    Internally, it looks to be based on the deserialized response.