
How do I make shinyalert disappear after clicking 'ok'?

I have been using shinyalert() in shiny apps for a while, but on my current app, they have stopped disappearing after I click ok. They still work in other apps (using the same package loader script), and I haven't been able to replicate the problem (when I created an app that does nothing but produce an alert when I click an action button, it worked properly), so I can't share any code snippets. I'm wondering if there are any settings somewhere that I'm not aware of that may be affecting it.

I've tried specifying showConfirmButton=TRUE (which is the default) and showCancelButton = TRUE, and that doesn't help.

I can include my code as well, but since I don't know where the problem area is, I'd prefer not to clutter this up with 100+ lines.



  • The call to shinyalert() was inside conditionalPanel; I replaced all my conditional panels with renderUI( req(*condition*) ) and that solved the problem.