I am trying to add an system user from my docker file and i am not able to do that.
I am getting this error every time:
adduser: Only one or two names allowed.
The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install unzip curl bash vim dnsutils tini && rm -fr "$CATALINA_HOME"/webapps/ROOT && mkdir -p /opt/forgerock && addgroup --gid 11111 forgerock && adduser /bin/bash --system --home "$FORGEROCK_HOME" --uid 11111 --group root --disabled-password forgerock && chown -R forgerock:root "$CATALINA_HOME" "$FORGEROCK_HOME" && chmod -R g+rwx "$CATALINA_HOME"' returned a non-zero code: 1
The part from docker file where i try to do this is the following:
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install unzip curl bash vim dnsutils iputils-ping tini \
&& rm -fr "$CATALINA_HOME"/webapps/ROOT \
&& mkdir -p /opt/forgerock \
&& addgroup --gid 11111 forgerock \
&& adduser /bin/bash --system --home "$FORGEROCK_HOME" --uid 11111 --group root --disabled-password forgerock \
&& chown -R forgerock:root "$CATALINA_HOME" "$FORGEROCK_HOME" \
&& chmod -R g+rwx "$CATALINA_HOME"
Would really appreciate your help!
Debian uses the command useradd and usergroup for creating users and groups (rather than adduser and addgroup).
I modified your Dockerfile snippet to relate with Debian commands:
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install unzip curl bash vim dnsutils iputils-ping tini \
&& rm -fr "$CATALINA_HOME"/webapps/ROOT \
&& mkdir -p /opt/forgerock \
&& groupadd -f -g 11111 forgerock \
&& useradd -l -u 11111 -g root -d "$FORGEROCK_HOME" -r forgerock \
&& chown -R forgerock:root "$CATALINA_HOME" "$FORGEROCK_HOME" \
&& chmod -R g+rwx "$CATALINA_HOME"