I want to unwind till the second last item in StackView. The documentation states it should be as easy as stackView.pop({item: itemName})
, but this is working as if I'm doing stackView.pop()
. What is the correct way of unwinding till a specific item?
My Qt version is 5.14.2.
The documentation you linked is the one for QQC1's StackView. For Qt Quick Controls 2 StackView, the pop function is a bit different : https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-controls2-stackview.html#pop-method
You can call it like so : stackView.pop(itemName)
. Note that itemName
need to be an instance of the item pushed on the stack. If you push Components on the StackView, trying to pop with a reference to the Component won't work.
// this works :
// this doesn't work:
// you could store the instance of the item created from the component like so:
createdItem = stackView.push(component);
// or use StackView.find
const itemToPop = stackView.find(item => return item.objectName === "pop me");
// or StackView.get to get an item from its position in the stack:
const itemToPop = stackView.get(1);