
Row object in RDD

I am trying For each RDD, remove the header row and parse each comma-delimited line into a Row object with each column following the data type given in the jupyter notebook cell. Please convert some columns into the preferred format. Columns that should be converted into integer : 'YEAR', 'MONTH', 'DAY','DAY_OF_WEEK', 'FLIGHT_NUMBER'. Column that should be converted into float data type : 'DEPARTURE_DELAY', 'ARRIVAL_DELAY', 'ELAPSED_TIME', 'AIR_TIME', 'DISTANCE', 'TAXI_IN', and 'TAXI_OUT'. While the rest are kept as string format.

Currently this is my code

def import_csv_rdd(data):
    rdd = sc.textFile(data)
    rdd_header = 
    # 1. Split each line separated by comma into a list 
    bank_rdd1 = line: line.split(','))
    # 2. Remove the header
    header = bank_rdd1.first()
    bank_rdd1 = bank_rdd1.filter(lambda row: row != header)   #filter out header

^ the above code is not finished and needs some adaptation however, i would like to get some clarification in how to "parse each comma-delimited line into a Row object"


  • Let's do this with simple file with less columns.


    Reading this file as RDD and change that to Row object after converting col1 type to int, col2 type to float.

    >>> rdd = spark.sparkContext.textFile('/file/path/')
    >>> header = rdd.first()
    >>> rdd = rdd.filter(lambda row: row != header)
    >>> split_rdd = line: line.split(','))
    >>> row_rdd = line: Row(col1 = int(line[0]), col2=float(line[1]), col3=line[2]))
    >>> row_rdd.collect()
    [Row(col1=1, col2=1.2, col3='value1'), Row(col1=2, col2=2.2, col3='value2')]