Can somebody explain me a code in Racket in which I change 2 Euro and a 1 Euro Coin with 10 Cents and 20 Cents?
I can only change one time a 2 Euro coin and one time a 1 Euro coin. With 20 Cents and 10 Cents. Here is my code:
(define (change sum coins)
(if (< sum 200)
(if (= sum 200)
(if (and (> sum 0)
(<= (length coins) 0))
(+ (change (- sum (car coins)) (cdr coins))
(change sum (cdr coins)))))))
(change 200'(20 10))
(change 100'(20 10))
So what I have to modify? Thanks for your help!
Since the 200 target is hardcoded, you should start with the current sum of 0, and count up, not down:
(define (change sum coins)
(if (> sum 200) ; invalid solution
(if (= sum 200) ; good solution
(if (= (length coins) 0) ; no more coins to use
(+ (change (+ sum (car coins)) ; use first coin,
coins) ; _increasing_ the sum
(change sum
(cdr coins))))))) ; don't use first coin any more
Now we have
> (change 0 '(10))
> (change 0 '(20 10))
> (change 0 '(7))
Now you can abstract away the target value of 200, making it a parameter in a new function which will have to make this function its inner definition so it has access to its parameter:
(define (coin-change-ways target coins)
(define (change sum coins)
(change 0 coins))
See this for more explanations.