I'm using Gurobi 9.1.2 and Pyomo 6.1.2
I got a MILP model in pyomo
created with pyomo.environ
modeling layer.
In order to advance in my research, I need to implement a new constraint to my model. This new constraint got a square-root and I want to solve it with Gurobi.
import pyomo.environ as pyo
model = pyo.AbstractModel()
model.J = pyo.Set(doc='Generation set')
model.t = pyo.Set(doc='datetime Set')
model.S = pyo.Set(doc='Storage Systems Set')
model.Delt = pyo.Param(model.t)
model.Us = pyo.Param()
model.Ud = pyo.Param()
model.Ss = pyo.Param()
model.Sd = pyo.Param()
model.erf = pyo.Param()
model.pnomj = pyo.Var(model.J, domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals)
model.pjtResUp = pyo.Var(model.J, model.T, domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals)
model.pbesstResUp = pyo.Var(model.S, model.T, domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals)
The constraint I want to implement is this one Quadratic Constraint
where Δp^{SR+}_{j,t} is model.pjtResUp
and Δp^{SR+}__{B,t} is model.pbesstResUp
def upReserves(model, t):
return model.Us*model.pnomj['PV'] - model.Ud*model.Delt[t] + \
model.erf*pyo.sqrt((model.Ss*model.pnomj['PV'])**2 + (model.Sd*model.Delt[t])**2) <= \
sum(model.pjtResUp[j,t] for j in model.J) + model.pbesstResUp['BESS',t]
This gives me the next ValueError:
ValueError: Cannot write legal LP file. Constraint 'upReserves[2020-01-01 00:00:00]' has a body with nonlinear terms.
In This Answer they say there's a Pyomo problem when creating the LP file with CPLEX, since Gurobi can solve even NonConvex problem (Passing the argument options={'NonConvex':2}
to SolverFactory)
Is there some recommendation which I can check? Thanks in advances
I get to solved this one.
In order to avoid non-convexity in the conic-constraint-style constraint, this is what I did:
To avoid Non-Convexity in the SOC constraint, I used a new var (let's call it g) such that:
model.g = pyo.Var(model.T, doc='non-squared part of conic constraint')
Add a new constraint of the non-squared-root part of the conic constraint:
def RHS_constraint(model, t):
return model.g[t] == sum(model.pjtResUp[j,t] for j in model.J) + model.pbesstResUp['BESS',t] + (model.Ud*model.Delt[t] - model.Us*model.pnomj['PV'])
model.RHS_constraint = pyo.Constraint(model.T, rule=RHS_constraint)
To avoid the ValueError in non-linear terms by Pyomo LP file creation, I squared both sides:
def upReserves(model, t):
return model.g[t]**2 >= (model.erf**2)*((model.Ss*model.pnomj['PV'])**2 + (model.Sd*model.Delt[t])**2)
model.upReserves= pyo.Constraint(model.T, rule=upReserves)
Thanks for those who at least saw this post. If you think this approach is wrong, I'm also seeking for new approach