I want to extract all the text boxes and text box coordinates from a PDF file with PDFMiner.
Many other Stack Overflow posts address how to extract all text in an ordered fashion, but how can I do the intermediate step of getting the text and text locations?
Given a PDF file, output should look something like:
489, 41, "Signature"
500, 52, "b"
630, 202, "a_g_i_r"
Full disclosure, I am one of the maintainers of pdfminer.six. It is a community-maintained version of pdfminer for python 3.
Nowadays, pdfminer.six has multiple API's to extract text and information from a PDF. For programmatically extracting information I would advice to use extract_pages()
. This allows you to inspect all of the elements on a page, ordered in a meaningful hierarchy created by the layout algorithm.
The following example is a pythonic way of showing all the elements in the hierachy. It uses the simple1.pdf from the samples directory of pdfminer.six.
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable, Any
from pdfminer.high_level import extract_pages
def show_ltitem_hierarchy(o: Any, depth=0):
"""Show location and text of LTItem and all its descendants"""
if depth == 0:
print('element x1 y1 x2 y2 text')
print('------------------------------ --- --- --- ---- -----')
f'{get_indented_name(o, depth):<30.30s} '
f'{get_optional_bbox(o)} '
if isinstance(o, Iterable):
for i in o:
show_ltitem_hierarchy(i, depth=depth + 1)
def get_indented_name(o: Any, depth: int) -> str:
"""Indented name of LTItem"""
return ' ' * depth + o.__class__.__name__
def get_optional_bbox(o: Any) -> str:
"""Bounding box of LTItem if available, otherwise empty string"""
if hasattr(o, 'bbox'):
return ''.join(f'{i:<4.0f}' for i in o.bbox)
return ''
def get_optional_text(o: Any) -> str:
"""Text of LTItem if available, otherwise empty string"""
if hasattr(o, 'get_text'):
return o.get_text().strip()
return ''
path = Path('~/Downloads/simple1.pdf').expanduser()
pages = extract_pages(path)
The output shows the different elements in the hierarchy. The bounding box for each. And the text that this element contains.
element x1 y1 x2 y2 text
------------------------------ --- --- --- ---- -----
LTPage 0 0 612 792
LTTextBoxHorizontal 100 695 161 719 Hello
LTTextLineHorizontal 100 695 161 719 Hello
LTChar 100 695 117 719 H
LTChar 117 695 131 719 e
LTChar 131 695 136 719 l
LTChar 136 695 141 719 l
LTChar 141 695 155 719 o
LTChar 155 695 161 719
LTTextBoxHorizontal 261 695 324 719 World
LTTextLineHorizontal 261 695 324 719 World
LTChar 261 695 284 719 W
LTChar 284 695 297 719 o
LTChar 297 695 305 719 r
LTChar 305 695 311 719 l
LTChar 311 695 324 719 d
LTTextBoxHorizontal 100 595 161 619 Hello
LTTextLineHorizontal 100 595 161 619 Hello
LTChar 100 595 117 619 H
LTChar 117 595 131 619 e
LTChar 131 595 136 619 l
LTChar 136 595 141 619 l
LTChar 141 595 155 619 o
LTChar 155 595 161 619
LTTextBoxHorizontal 261 595 324 619 World
LTTextLineHorizontal 261 595 324 619 World
LTChar 261 595 284 619 W
LTChar 284 595 297 619 o
LTChar 297 595 305 619 r
LTChar 305 595 311 619 l
LTChar 311 595 324 619 d
LTTextBoxHorizontal 100 495 211 519 H e l l o
LTTextLineHorizontal 100 495 211 519 H e l l o
LTChar 100 495 117 519 H
LTChar 127 495 141 519 e
LTChar 151 495 156 519 l
LTChar 166 495 171 519 l
LTChar 181 495 195 519 o
LTChar 205 495 211 519
LTTextBoxHorizontal 321 495 424 519 W o r l d
LTTextLineHorizontal 321 495 424 519 W o r l d
LTChar 321 495 344 519 W
LTChar 354 495 367 519 o
LTChar 377 495 385 519 r
LTChar 395 495 401 519 l
LTChar 411 495 424 519 d
LTTextBoxHorizontal 100 395 211 419 H e l l o
LTTextLineHorizontal 100 395 211 419 H e l l o
LTChar 100 395 117 419 H
LTChar 127 395 141 419 e
LTChar 151 395 156 419 l
LTChar 166 395 171 419 l
LTChar 181 395 195 419 o
LTChar 205 395 211 419
LTTextBoxHorizontal 321 395 424 419 W o r l d
LTTextLineHorizontal 321 395 424 419 W o r l d
LTChar 321 395 344 419 W
LTChar 354 395 367 419 o
LTChar 377 395 385 419 r
LTChar 395 395 401 419 l
LTChar 410 395 424 419 d
(Similar answer here, here and here , I'll try to keep them in sync.)