I want to use db password with jasypt.
first, in application.yml, it is working writing jasypt.encryptor.password=myencrypt.
but I want use vm option. so I use $ ./gradlew -Djasypt.encryptor.password=myencrypt bootRun
but it makes Failed to bind preperties under spring.datasources.password to java.lang.string: Reason: either 'jasypt.encryptor.password' or one of ['jasypt.encryptor.privatr-key-string', 'jasypt.encrytor.private-key-location'] must be provided for password-based or Asymmetric encryption
jasypt version 2.1.2 and 3.0.4 are same error type. jdk 1.8
in build.gradle
bootRun {
systemProperty "jasypt.encryptor.password", findProperty("jasypt.encryptor.password")
with jasypt 2.1.2.
above 3.0.0, need something like jasypt.encryptor.iv-generator-classname
because algorithm change