
Wordpress media library how to re-enable the Infinite Scroll functionality

Since the WordPress v5.8, the Infinite Scroll for Media items has been disabled.

Instead of the infinite scroll, WordPress has introduced the Load More button.

The Load More button is okay when you have less media items. But I have 15000+ media items stored in my WordPress Media Library.

I love to use the infinite scroll to the Media Library and don't want to click on Load More button again and again and again.

Anyway I can get that functionality back?

Thanks in Advance.


  • There is a new filter named media_library_infinite_scrolling. To enable infinite scrolling in the media library again:

    add_filter( 'media_library_infinite_scrolling', '__return_true' );

    Read more here ( https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/media_library_infinite_scrolling/ )