
Podman pull 'official' images from docker hub?

No matter what I do, I only ever get a 404 or Error: invalid reference format

I think it should be podman pull hub.docker.com/_/postgres

but this doesn't work. I've also tried

podman pull hub.docker.com/postgres

podman pull hub.docker.com/__/postgres

podman pull hub.docker.com/library/postgres

Any ideas what's needed here to grab any of the official images from Docker Hub?


  • In order to pull images from Docker Hub using podman, the image name needs to be prefixed by the docker.io/ registry name.

    To get the 'official images' they are part of the 'library' collection.

    So to pull Postgres from Docker Hub using Podman, the command is

    podman pull docker.io/library/postgres