
Get Dates that match a periodicity and get number of sequence

I need to know if a date match a periodicity, for example, periodicity is 1 hour, and date that user gives is 13/09/2021 23:00, the inicial that my java code should take is 13/09/2021 00:00 and check how many times have to add 1 hour to get the date 13/09/2021 23:00.

The idea now is made a loop and add 1hour to the date and save in an array, then check if the date is inside the array and the position. Is there any other way?


  • If I understand your question correctly, you just want to calculate how many hours there are between two dates. For that, it's cleaner to use the built-in java.time classes. You can read the two dates into LocalDateTime objects and calculate the time span between them with ChronoUnit.HOURS:

    DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm");
    LocalDateTime start = LocalDateTime.parse("13/09/2021 00:00", formatter);
    LocalDateTime end = LocalDateTime.parse("13/09/2021 23:00", formatter);
    long hours = ChronoUnit.HOURS.between(start, end);

    The result will be 23.

    For various other units (minutes for example), there's ChronoUnit.MINUTES. Have a look at the documentation. There are a lot of different units to choose from.