I'm trying to do a GET-request to ActiveCollab REST-API using Postman. I want to get the time-records filtered by date for a project. I added my Access-Token to the header and my time period JSON format, of which I want to get the results to body in. As result, I get "400 Bad Request".
Body (JSON):
"from": "2021-08-01",
"to": "2021-08-31"
I'm able to do other requests with my access-token and I added my parameters in the pattern of the examples in the documentation (https://developers.activecollab.com/api-documentation/v1/projects/elements/time-records/filtered-by-date.html).
The problem did not seem to be with Postman, as I tried to use other applications as well.
Arguments that you prepared should be sent through query string, not as a request body:
When these arguments are omitted, system returns 400 Bad Request response.