
to_crs("epsg:4326") retruns different coordinate

I am trying to change coordinates system on my geopandas dataframe from epsg:5179 to epsg:4236.

BUT, .to_crs("epsg:4326") retruns different coordinates... How can I get true cordinates?

geo[geometry].set_crs("epsg:5179", inplace = True)
geo_df = geo[geometry].to_crs("epsg:4326")

LINESTRING (14138122.900 4519000.200, 14138248...LINESTRING (14135761.800 4518881.600, 14135799...

LINESTRING (-149.90927 12.31701, -149.90912 12...LINESTRING (-149.91219 12.32162, -149.91215 12...


  • It seems like you got true coordinates with your code which is :

    geo[geometry].set_crs("epsg:5179", inplace = True)
    geo_df = geo[geometry].to_crs("epsg:4326")

    I've been looking through pyproj, and couldn't find error to change coordinates epsg:5179 to epsg:4326.

    If you want to get futher more information about cordinates, you can visit here.